Chi ten’i dubbi sue, è ricco e nun ‘o sape
“There are some things money can’t buy. For everything else, there are only Doubts.”
“Ci sono cose che non si possono comprare, per tutto il resto solo Dubbi”
Don’t trust Bitcoin, save your Doubts.
Se avete qualche dubbio mettetevelo da parte, di questi tempi non si può mai sapere e comunque possono sempre servire…
“Dear People, It is day 9481 on this island, which the natives have dubbed ‘FUCKOFF LAND’ […] Everything is just going my way! Today I’ve been elected President of this beautiful country… I’m humbled and very proud, they are even printing new currency (DOUBTS) with my face on it. I swear I won’t disappoint you.
Yours Truly
The Fucking Awesome President of USF”
Benevento, Italy, June 2019
digital illustration; disegno digitale;